Friday, February 12, 2010

2 months

Today we have had the boys in our home for 2 months. I can honestly say that things are getting much easier and I'm getting to enjoy the boys more now! We still have some testing but for the most part we have found our groove and the boys seem settled. We still miss Mark tremendously and we talk about him everyday (Mylique has MANY plans for him when he comes home!) His favorite saying these days is "When Mark comes home can we... (insert good idea). It is very cute. They have taken to calling me mom or mama (by Zayvion) and I love to hear it (except when it's said 400 times in a row :) We are currently in therapy and the boys love their therapist (and so do I). Mylique is still struggling in school but the teachers at Chapman Elementary are amazing and he is slowing catching on. I am so sad that Mark is missing all of our firsts (Mylique's first birthday with us, conferences, therapy...) and trying not to be mad at the Army for taking him away. I thank God everyday for bringing the boys into our lives (even on days that aren't great!!) I have seen them grow so much in the last 2 months and I am excited to see who they grow into and what they will become!!

1 comment:

Jo Beil said...

Heather - Glad to hear things are calming down. I keep thinking of you and admiring your patience and diligence. Those two little boys are lucky to have you (and eventually Mark too!) in their lives.

Let me know when you hear about the baby sibling!!

Jo Mama

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