Friday, November 22, 2013

Hadley's birth story :)

Hadley's birth story begins a few days before her birth on Wednesday, Nov 20.  Mark (he's only been to 1 other appointment) and I went in for my regular weekly OB appointment.  At the appointment my blood pressure was high and I had protein in my urine.  My OB told me I was off to the local hospital for a non stress test, an ultrasound, and I was being sent home with a 24 hour urine collection.  My doctor assured me that it was probably nothing, but she wanted to make sure.  Mark and I quickly rearranged our schedule for the day (he had a meeting and I had kids to pick up) and off I went to spend the next few hours on monitors and getting tests done.  I was sent home to collect my urine for 24 hours and told to be on bed rest for that time (which was really hard,  but we made it work!)

I went back to the hospital around 4pm thinking I'd be there for an hour or so while they did blood pressure checks and checked my urine.  They hooked me up to baby monitors and checked my blood pressure every 15 minutes.  When I walked into the hospital my blood pressure was 160/105...the highest it had been and my protein came back at 1400 (normal is around 300).  With that information my doctor decided to call up to San Francisco to see what they wanted to do.  It was decided that I would get a ride up to San Fran in an ambulance and that I would deliver that night (they were thinking around midnight on Friday morning).  As the nurses prepped me for my ride, Mark and I talked on the phone trying to figure out who would watch our kids and what I needed him to pack (I had thought about packing my bag but had procrastinated a little too long!)  Thankfully Mark had a friend who was willing to come sleep on the couch while the kids slept and he made it to the hospital just as the ambulance pulled up to take me away.  He planned on following us to San Fran, but somehow he beat us and was waiting for me at the hospital.  

We arrived in San Fran around midnight and I was next in the que for my c-section.  Well just as we were being wheeled that way we were booted due to an emergency.  So they moved us out of the small room (almost closet like) and into a real room.  We were told to rest and that we would be next.  This room didn't have a bed for Mark so he didn't get much sleep and I was too anxious to sleep.  We ended up getting bumped for hours and we were calling people to help with our kids so that Mark could be at the delivery.  We were exhausted (even though we did get a little sleep...Mark slept on the floor on a few pillows)
After many hours and many bumps we were finally told it was my turn!  This picture was taken as I was headed down to the OR (37 weeks 4 days)
Mark was left in the room to get ready in his "bunny" suit.  We were ready to meet our little girl!
She's finally here...Hadley Rachel.  Born Nov 22 at 1:03.  Weighing in at 6 lbs 5 oz and 19 inches long (every ultrasound we had said she weighed MUCH more than she did...Last one on Wednesday said she was over 7 lbs...)
Proud daddy meeting his little girl for the first time
Mommy meeting baby H for the first time
First of many kisses :)

Daddy and Hadley in the nursery getting to know each other

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