Thursday, September 16, 2010

It's been a year

We met the boys for the first time a year ago on September 13. The boys are such a part of our family that it feels like they have been with us forever! We have had good times, bad times, hard times, and sad times in this year but we are glad that they are a part of our lives. We are now entering a new phase in our lives where there aren't as many "firsts". We've already had our first holidays and many other first events so now we get to just enjoy each and look forward to many more to come. We have come a long way on M's attachment and school issues. He still has a long road ahead of him, but we chip away at his rough exterior everyday and try to make him see that he is here to stay. Z has also grown in this year (both physically and emotionally). We don't need to put him in a stroller in order to go anywhere and his ADHD is getting more under control as well. They have become big brothers during this year, we survived (and thrived during) a deployment, they became someones son, grandson, brother, cousin, and nephew. They are truly loved!

1 comment:

Jo Beil said...

They are all three blessed to have you and Mark as parents. You deserve medals for the year you have both been through. Congrats and I hope this second year is very "uneventful" for you - you deserve a smoother, peaceful ride.

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