Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Our littlest man dressing up...we will be keeping this picture for his high school graduation!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

1st spelling test

M had his first ever spelling test on Friday and he aced it! We practiced hard all week and we weren't sure how he would do...but he did amazing and we are so proud (it's now hanging on the fridge!)

Mmmmm...bbq chicken

S had some bbq chicken for the first time the other night and he loved it! He had a spoon but preferred to use his hands and ended up wearing most of it on his face.

Big Boy Haircut!

Party in the back :)
Medium fade like daddy! He looks so grown up!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Are you running a daycare?

And "Are all those yours?" are two very popular questions when out with 5 kids (especially when I am alone). Life with 5 kids is...busy, loud, exhausting, but fun. We are quite a spectacle when out and about. When I am alone I have the baby in the bjorn, the toddlers in each hand, and the two oldest trailing behind (with me usually telling them to keep up). Then I place the toddlers in the double carts (thank you Walmart for making those!!) and off we go:) I can feel the looks of people passing. Probably thinking "doesn't she know what causes that?!?!" and occasionally someone will ask THE question. I always respond with "yes, they are all mine" and continue my shopping:)

The girls are very much a part of our lives right now. The toddlers (or twins as we sometimes refer to them) are learning to live with each other. They have a love/hate relationship at this time but it's getting better. We have a whole lot of 2 year old attitude in the house which results in lots of tantrums and crying.

The baby is becoming a real joy. When she first moved in she was very cranky and not easy to soothe. I think she had the hardest time leaving mom. But she has settled in nicely and will even reach for me when in someone else's arms.

The older boys have taken to being the oldest brothers and are getting better at helping mom out when asked, especially if it is carrying something or helping with a littler one. We are getting into a routine and even though it probably looks like chaos to the outsider, it is an organized chaos!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Basement bathroom after...

We now have a new ceiling (drop so we can still reach the pipes), new lighting and exhaust fan, and a new pocket door to access the furnace. I need to paint and then it will be done! Looks a million times better than it did before!

Basement bathroom before...

Our basement bathroom before the remodel had open ceiling with pipes and wires showing. We had a sliding door to access the furnace and unfinished lighting.

1st day of school continued

M at his desk

As is our tradition on special days...the red plate came out for breakfast!

1st day of school!

Our 1st grader and Kindergartner
In front of Chapman Elementary School
Z at his spot
His cubbie
M by his cubbie

Thursday, August 4, 2011


The cousins being silly
All 8 cousins (it is very hard to get 8 kids to look in one direction!!!)

The Famn Damily!!

Colorado trip

The boys in their new "Superman was Adopted" shirts. When we told M and Z what their shirts said they exclaimed "We're superheroes!!"
M and his cousin B trying out Mimi's wheelchair
Obviously S put these on himself:)
M building with Lincoln Logs
Papa bought the boys a new helmet from Goodwill...they love it!

Mark's 29th birthday

Mark's favorite: Spaghetti pie
Blowing out his candles
We got him a couple sets of legos...and he was thrilled!!
Mark and the boys putting together the lego car

S's first haircut

S was starting to get a mullet so we took him to the barber on post for his first haircut. Not surprisingly, he did great and didn't cry or fuss the whole time!