The boys had their Christmas program for elementary school. We got a babysitter for the younger 3 so we could actually enjoy the program! The boys both did great!
Z was a toy soldier. He kept his hands in his pockets the whole program (which is ok because they weren't causing trouble then!). He even sang!! We were very proud:)
M was a tree. He looked angry because he couldn't find us in the audience!
We took a trip down to southern KS to the Motorcycle Museum on Veteran's Day. We walked in with our 5 children and the owner/lady running the shop followed us in and proceeded to tell us not to touch anything! I think we scared her with the number of children we had...I'm sure she had visions of us touching a motorcycle and them all falling over!! Lucky for her my kids were well behaved and all motorcycles were left upright:)
Z played soccer on Fort Riley this fall. We aren't sure if this is "his" sport yet:) He was very hesitant to chase the ball and would have preferred to play in the dirt or watch helicopters go by.
During Chapman's annual Labor Day festivities, M competed in the pedal tractor pull. He did very well for his first time and got a ribbon for competing!
M had his first ever spelling test on Friday and he aced it! We practiced hard all week and we weren't sure how he would do...but he did amazing and we are so proud (it's now hanging on the fridge!)
S had some bbq chicken for the first time the other night and he loved it! He had a spoon but preferred to use his hands and ended up wearing most of it on his face.